Daily: 10:00am - 9:00pm
Crazy DashGo to
crazydash.com Select "Register", Select "Sightseeing Pass" and enter your QR Code. You will instantly receive instructions to begin.
Wacky WalksGo to
wackywalks.com Select "Register", Select "Sightseeing Pass" and enter your QR Code. You will instantly receive instructions to begin.
3 Quest ChallengeGo to
3questchallenge.com Select "Register", Select "Sightseeing Pass" and enter your QR Code. You will instantly receive instructions to begin.
Operation City QuestGo to
operationcityquest.com Select "Register", Select "Sightseeing Pass" and enter your QR Code. You will instantly receive instructions to begin.
Zombie ScavengersGo to
zombiescavengers.com Select "Register", Select "Sightseeing Pass" and enter your QR Code. You will instantly receive instructions to begin.
What You Get:Sightseeing Pass holders can choose one game from these scavenger hunts: Crazy Dash, Wacky Walks, 3 Quest Challenge, Operation City Quest or Zombie Scavengers.